Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here we go again...

Ok..deep breadth....I was most pleasantly surprised today to learn that I one of 3 to end up with an interview for this study abroad organization, not because I thought it would be a long shot or that there would be too many other candidates that have the same extensive experience abroad, but because yesterday the recruiter called and asked if I had a few minutes to gut reaction was "Of course I have a few minutes to schedule an interview!" Well, that's not what this was, this was yet another step to further whittle down the pool of applicants. So just to recap real quick..the first was of course submit resume and cover letter, the second was then a form of questions designed to further test your ability to well...answer the inane and immaterial questions that employers use to scratch applicants off the list, then the third was a spontaneous conversation on the phone basically reiterating the same line of questioning. It was at this step that I thought I lost it. The recruiter just caught me off guard, just returned from the grocery store and wasn't expecting another step before an interview.

So basically it started off like this..."Hi Mallory, do you have a few minutes to talk to me?" "Yes, sure I have a few minutes." "Great, what are your hopes and dreams for the future? What do you hope to accomplish with us? What would your previous employer say about you? How are you organized?" Ok, so she didn't ask all of those in succession like that but, just to give an idea...and also she didn't mention hopes and dreams, but it was that type of questioning. I have so much of this stuff crammed in my head that I couldn't really get much of it out in an impressive manner, at least I felt I didn't perform as well as I could have. So I was beating myself up over it all day yesterday and today until about noon when the call came to actually set up an interview for realsies this time. So now I have 4 days to prepare to razzle n' dazzle if ya know what I mean. I can't allow myself to get as emotionally invested as I did with the last interview..that was nuts, I actually caught myself chanting in my head "No one is better than me, no one is better than me" while I was power walking the day after the interview. Then a reject email cut me right down to size. So I guess the opposite effect worked out for me this time.

So the recruiter sent me an email saying that my interview will be from 9:30-11:30 with 6 that normal? A panel of 6 for what's kind of an entry-level position?

But I just know that this means there will be plenty of time and opportunity to have to answer those ridiculous questions..."what would your previous employer say about you?" Hmm, well since clearly you're not going to ask him yourself despite the fact you asked for reference contact information, I guess I can say that he would say "Mallory is perfect in every way and that you'd be a fool not to hire her and it would be your total loss to let someone else have her." I also really like "how are you organized?" I mean seriously? "Uhh, well I'm not organized at all and my work area is usually in total disarray, I don't know how to use a calendar or a file cabinet and I'm more of a uni-tasker than a do ya like me now?" It's all about playing the game that's for sure...I'm gonna play it the best I can on Tuesday...

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